Finds of the month photos
Events Schedule
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Meeting and Competition Schedule
Time and location of our meetings:
Our club meets on the first Monday of the month for all months of the year except for January and February (winter weather), and July (proximity to Independence day).
Meetings are held at the Piatt County Forest Preserve pavillion in Monticello at 7:00 pm, and last about an hour. The meetings during the winter months are held at the Hardees in Monticello, also at 7:00 p.m. Please contact us to verify times and locations of meetings if you're a new member or not on our mailing list.
We also have two competition hunts each year; one in the Spring and one in the Fall. We hide silver dimes, tokens (with corresponding prizes), and poker pieces (with a prize for the "best hand"). Entry fee is usually five dollars. We ask that each participant bring a prize valued at two to three dollars, and a potluck food item for the cookout after the hunts.
Find of the Month Each month that our club meets, we display finds in a specific category: Coin, Jewelry, or Oddity. Each member gets one vote for the item they would most like to find, members can't vote for their own entry. The winner gets a prize (usually a silver half dollar), and the top 3 winners get points toward an annual prize. The months and categories are go alphabetically: Coin, Jewelry, Oddity.
Please email us at pbntoau@hotmail.com